Quamtrax Nutrition

Quamtrax founded in 1999 with headquarters in Madrid, Spain. It is a company dedicated to the construction of sports nutrition products and its mission is to provide its customers with the most effective products developed by the best professionals in the food sector.
Although the early years started as a local company for the Spain market, the subsequent evolution surpassed all expectations.
In recent years has served continuously in design and production of new, specialized supplements, increasing production volumes rapidly, while maintaining product quality at very high levels.
The main guiding principle behind every product is carefully selected list of active ingredients and raw materials that compose it and the successive quality controls which pass all the products, making them effective and safe.
Within the huge range of options, Quamtrax Nutrition, offers easy solutions to the daily diet of an athlete, regardless of fitness level and gender, making in this way its life and development more confident.
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